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Portrait of Pixel Perfect Warthogs

These warthogs were made for the last developmental piece, "Neighborhood IV", of an animal artform called "Meta-Naturalism." I've always felt these creatures were under-appreciated. I love the warthog form, its presence, and its uniqueness. The challenge back then when I was making "Neighborhood IV" was to depict warthogs in the most innovative and pleasing way possible. It also shows how much I've matured to express my low-poly modeling style. It's not entirely low-poly, but something more than that.

As with all the Pixel Perfect pieces, this is using a custom dithering shader such that, when viewed up close, the transition or blends of colors is simulated through adjacent pixels. From far away you can barely see it, but that's the beauty. It's the combination of the old and the new; the old as with the vintage pixel graphics from the 1980s and the new as with the high resolutions and 3D capabilities that we see in the 21st century. The Pixel Perfect series is a technical showcase of this aesthetic combining old graphic techniques with the new that I'm implementing for my main "Meta-Naturalist" agenda. I would like to call it Super Lo-Fi.

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