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Neighborhood IV (Warthogs Running Through A Prairie)

This piece is perhaps a synthesis of the previous "neighborhood" pieces. I tried not to go too over the top with the colors, but still keep the essential aspects of this Meta-Naturalist art style. Though, to be frank, my usage of the environment needs to be re-thought to make it look more interesting.

For the first time, however, I was able to seamlessly implement brush strokes into the piece. It is something I've been wanting to do with my 3d art for a while but I think I understand the conditions needed to do it correctly. This has to do with keeping the textures simple enough so that a transition to a brush stroke would make sense, and to keep the low-polygonal forms legible. So there's definitely progress. Implementing hand-made gestures is something that will definitely be developed in the coming works.

I made the concentric rings signifying the sounds coming from the interaction between the foot and ground to be a bit bolder, with having them metaphorically act as "light sources". The reasoning behind this is that I needed to emphasize the forces of nature, whatever they may be. There are so many directions I could've taken but again I didn't want to overshoot. This artform is very flimsy because you can easily oversaturate with detail and lose the main focus of the piece. But I personally think with an alternative take to space and the environment I can solve that problem. Meta-Naturalism, it seems, doesn't have to have a traditional composition to reach its fullest potential. I learned that it could do so much more but, again, it has to do with composition which is certainly the culprit.

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