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Neighborhood III (Defending Bombardier Beetle)

This is the third, and final, piece showcasing a study of metaNaturalism. The plan was to do three pieces as a practice ground to see the range or limits of this aesthetic. After these three pieces is intended to be the aesthetic's fullest expression - focusing on single-edition works. The first dealt with how far I can use bold colors and intense scenes, the second was about how to depict interaction and composition. Compared to the previous two, this one was more focused on a simpler, singular depiction and how far I can make the figure interesting without any other support.

Making these three pieces was a learning curve. Every time I finish a piece I always feel there is something left, but at the same time, when I finish a piece I always tell myself to stop and not over-do it. It's a difficult decision to make between creativity and legibility and it equally applies to making these metaNaturalist works. I always come out learning something for application in the future.

I thought a bombardier beetle would be a perfect opportunity to work on since it has a neat defense mechanism of shooting acid from its tail. I was watching a documentary and it showcased a slow-motion footage, which greatly inspired me. It gave me a chance to demonstrate more simulation/fluid dynamics into my work, which I will want to use more often when I can.

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